• 100% Volunteer Run and Growing Every Day

    The Chilo Foundation is fueled by passionate people looking to improve the lives of less fortunate individuals and families.

  • 100% of Donations Fund #ChiloKids

    We believe that great experiences can positively impact the life of a child for a lifetime and inspire them to dream and know that there is always hope.

  • Building a Community of Aid for Skid Row

    Together, we’ve hosted 20+ family outings to show homeless children and their parents a world outside of LA, and have served over 100,000 warm meals for those in need.

Helping societies’ most vulnerable souls in Skid Row.


There are more than 300 homeless children in the Skid Row Neighborhood of Downtown Los Angeles, according to the most recent count from the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA).   We provide meaningful outreach and support to these families.

Upcoming Events

As an outreach charity, we are the first contact for many families facing homelessness for the first time, and we continue to support the families with our partners at the Union Rescue Mission and The Women's Shelter to provide meaningful planned family outings via our #Chilokids program.

I hope to see you at one of our events and we will welcome you with warm smiles, open arms, and maybe a hug (or 150+ of them).  :-)


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