Chilo Foundation Camping Trip - August 2021

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In 2019 we were so blessed to put together our very first Camping Trip for the children living at the Union Rescue Mission down on Skid Row (photos above).

Thanks to the participation of the URM, we were able to take over 100+ children over the weekend to Frazier Park in California. At the El Camino Pines campsite, we were able to participate in so many fun activities, including rock climbing, volleyball games, archery, arts & crafts, hiking and much more. For most of these children it was the only camping trip and even overnight trip, they had ever experienced.

Due to covid we unfortunately had to cancel our 2020 event, but we are ecstatic to announce that this August 13th, 14th, & 15th 2021 we are doing it again!

If you or anyone you know would like to volunteer your time on this trip please contact us. If you would like to donate monetarily, it costs $200 for each child to be sponsored for the entire weekend.

Thank you to all who support us and this cause!

God bless!

-CHILO Foundation


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